Taros Reward MCQ/Objective Questions Chapter 3 Honeysuckle Class 6
What was Taro’s profession
- a. Wood picker
- b. Wood cutter
- c. Shepherd
- d. Blacksmith
With whom Taro lived?
- a. Father
- b. Mother
- c. Both
- d. None
Which drink Taro’s father wished?
- a. Lemonade
- b. Sake
- c. Squash
- d. None
Why was Taro sad?
- a. He did not have money
- b. Woods were wet
- c. He fell from the tree
- d. He was not able to buy sake
Why Taro went to the wood early in the morning?
- a. To cut more woods
- b. To buy sake
- c. to prevent sun stroke
- d. None
Why was Taro wanting to cut more woods?
- a. To fulfill his father’s wish
- b. To earn more money
- c. To buy an axe
- d. None
Why Taro stopped cutting wood ?
- a. He heard the sound of rushing water
- b. He fell from the tree
- c. He saw a golden axe
- d. He got sick
What was behind the rock?

- a. A group of fiery wolves
- b. A golden axe
- c. A water-fall
- d. The God
How the water of water-fall felt to Taro?
- a. Cold water
- b. Sweet water
- c. Sake
- d. Lemonade
What Taro’s father offer to the neighbour lady?
- a. Milk
- b. Coconut water
- c. Sake
- d. Lemonade
Where the villagers were going?
- a. To the temple
- b. To the pond
- c. To the water-fall
- d. To the market
To the villagers water from water-fall was:
- a. Water
- b. Sake
- c. Cold-water
- d. Lemonade
Why villagers became angry with Taro?
- a. They thought Taro told lie to them
- b. There was no water-fall
- c. There was sake
- d. There was no water in the fall.
Taro again tasted the water . Still, it was _ _ _
- a. Water
- b. Sake
- c. Lemonade
- d. Bitter water
WHo gave Taro 20 pieces of Gold ?
- a. Zamindaar of the village
- b. King of the village
- c. King of Japan
- d. Queen of Japan
The story teaches us to:
- a. Drink lot of water
- b. Drink lemonade
- c. Donot tell lies
- d. Obey parents
See also:
How The Dog Found Himself a New Master MCQ
Who Did Patrick’s Homework MCQ
Taros Reward MCQ/Objective Questions Chapter 3 Honeysuckle Class 6
Ref: ch3.
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Wow i got 20/20 marks in this Chapter to read these MCQ thanks alot
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I got many mcq question from these link . Many thank to you
Thanks. This mcq help me to attend the test best and my marks of English is 20 out of 20