Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ/Objective questions Chapter 18 Class 1 1 Biology/Circulatory system
Which among these is not a part of the human circulatory system?
- a. Heart and blood vessels.
- b. Blood
- c. Lymph
- d. Lungs
Which type of tissue is blood?
- a. Epithelial tissue
- b. Connective tissue
- c. Muscular Tissue
- d. Nervous tissue
Which of the following is not a constituent of blood?
- a. Fluid matrix
- b. Cardiac muscle
- c. Formed elements viz. RBC,WBC, Platelets
- d. Plasma
How much percentage of plasma a typical blood sample have?
- a. 45%
- b. 55%
- c. 65
- d. 70
Fibers and proteins present in the blood are part of
- a. Fluid matrix
- b. Plasma
- c. Formed elements
- d. None
Which among these do not plays a role in clotting of the blood?
- a. Throbinogen
- b. Calcium
- c. Vitamin K
- d. Sodium
We see open circulatory system in
- a. Humans
- b. Arthropods
- c. Molluscs
- d. b and c
Which among these posses closed circulatory system
- a. Amphibians and fishes
- b. Annelids
- c. Humans
- d. All three
Which among these posses 4 chambered heart ?
- a. Frog
- b. Crocodiles
- c. Reptiles
- d. Fishes
Fish heart receives which type of blood?
- a. Always impure
- b. Always pure
- c. Mixed
- d. None
Heart of frog receives which type of blood?
- a. Always impure
- b. Always pure
- c. Mixed
- d. None
Which among these have incomplete double circulation.
- a. Fish
- b. Frog
- c. Human
- d. Birds
Double circulation of blood means:
- a. Blood receives oxygenated blood always
- b. Blood circulates twice through the heart in one complete cycle
- c. Blood circulates once only thru the heart in a cycle
- d. None
_ _ _ _ vein receives oxygenated blood while _ _ _ _ artery receives oxygenated blood.
- a. Pulmonary
- b. Hepatic
- c. Renal
- d. None
Which is the strongest chamber of a human heart .
- a. Rt. atrium
- b. Rt. ventricle
- c. Lt. atrium
- d. Lt. ventricle
Transmision of impulse from heart follows which pattern?
- a. AV node < SA node < Bundle of HIS < Purkenje fibre
- b. SA node < AV node< Bundle of HIS < Purkenje fibre
- c. Bundle of HIS < Purkenje fibre < SA node < AV node
- d. Purkenje fibre < Bundle of HIS < SA node < AV node

Pace-maker of the heart is
- a. SA node
- b. AV node
- c. Bundle of HIS
- d. Purkenje fibres
How many times in a minute SA node generates its own impulse
- a. 70-75
- b. 85-90
- c. 100-105
- d. 120-125
Duration of a cardiac cycle is
- a. 0.4 sec
- b. 0.8 sec
- c. 1.2 sec
- d. 1.6 sec
The first sound ‘Lub’ S1 is due to
- a. Closure of aortic valve
- b. Closure of AV valve
- c. Passive filling of ventricles
- d. None
The second sound ‘Dubb’ S2 is due to
- a. Closure of aortic valve
- b. Closure of AV valve
- c. Passive filling of ventricles
- d. None
Which heart wave show ventricular normalization (repolarisation):
- a. P
- b. Q
- c. R
- d. S
- e. T
A hypertensive patient among these is:
- a. 120/80 mmHg
- b. 140/90 mmHg
- c. 110/85 mmHg
- d. None
Elevated or depressed ST segment indicate
- a. Normal heart
- b. Myocardial infarction
- c. Tachycardia
- d. Bradycardia
Read also:
Breathing and Exchange of Gases MCQ
Plant Growth and Development MCQ
Body Fluids and Circulation MCQ/Objective questions Chapter 17 Class 1 1 Biology/Circulatory system
Ref: Chapter 18.