Activity 9.3 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion
What activity asks?
Activity 9.3 asks us to place a tumbler (glass) full with water on a tray and see if water spills and why?
Water spills out from the glass.


When we pull out the tray, it creates a pulling pressure on the glass as well. It results in the movement in the glass position. But the water in the glass wants to remain in the previous state due to the newtons first law of motion.
As result water spills out from the tumbler or glass.
Friction is the hidden force behind all these acts.
When two surfaces come in contact, friction plays an important role in their motion. tray creates a frictional force in the direction of motion of the tray. The frictional force between the tumble and the tray causes the tumble to move forward.
Water being fluid creates lesser frictional force. So, the creation of frictional force between tumbler and the water is less. This results in lesser or no movement. But, since tumbler has moved, water spills out.
Next: Activity 9.4 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion.
See also: Activity 9.2 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion.
Activity 9.3 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion
Ref: Class 9 Science chapter 9.