Activity 9.5 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion

Activity 9.5 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion

Activity 9.5 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of MotionWhat activity asks?

Activity 9.5 asks us to tie an inflated balloon with a straw,  put a string inside the straw and check the movement of the ballon.


Baloon moves forward and air moves out in the opposite direction.


In activity 9.4 we saw the newton’s second law of motion by the movement of the cart. Here also similar thing happens. Here the elastic energy of the balloon pushes the balloon forward and air moves out in the opposite direction as per the second law. As a result, the balloon moves forward. Since the balloon is tied with the straw on the string, the balloon moves only in the direction of string,

Similar Examples: 

The firing of rocket crackers works on the second law of motion. Here, fuel burns and moves out toward the bottom. This creates upthrust. As a  result, the rocket moves up.


Activity 9.6 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion.

see also: 

Activity 9.4 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion.


Activity 9.5 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion

Ref: Class 9 Science chapter 9.

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