Activity 2.1 Nutrition in Animals Solution Science Class 7

Activity 2.1 Nutrition in Animals Solution Science Class 7 Chapter 2

Activity 2.1 asks us to write the kind of food and mode of intake of various animals in the table.


Activity 2.1 Nutrition in Animals Solution NCERT Science Class 7 Chapter 2Snail through his mouth eats whatever comes in his way. His favorite foods are leaves, fungi, and algae.

Ant has a mouth.  He eats insects, home foods like flour, sugar, sweets, etc by mouth.

Eagle is a carnivore. It eats animals but does not have teeth. He uses his beak to tear flesh and then swallows them.

Hummingbirds are the world’s smallest birds. They have a long narrow and pointed nectar sucking beak. Through this they suck the nectar of flowers.

Lice adhere to the animals and suck their blood.

Mosquitos have a long trunk-like mouth. Through this they suck the blood of animals.

Butterfly collect nectar using tongues. Their tongues are long and straw-like a hollow pipe. It helps them in sucking the nectar.

Houseflies eat decaying matter or semi-liquid foods. They siphon the food through the mouth.


Activity 2.2 nutrition in animals.


Ref: NCERT class Science chapter 2.

Activity 2.1 Nutrition in Animals Solution Science Class 7 Chapter 2

12 thoughts on “Activity 2.1 Nutrition in Animals Solution Science Class 7”

  1. I agree with that too!!! Really good activities guys. Keep it up!!!
    This is really helpful for students.
    Great explanation!!!
    Thank you so much.
    Pls. keep doing this.

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