Activity 2.2 Nutrition in Animals Solution Science Class 7 Chapter 2

What Activity asks?

- Activity 2.2 asks us to look at our teeth and find the various types of teeth.
- We have four types of teeth. They are Molar, premolar, canine, and incisor.
- To bite apple or bread we cut them using our incisors.
- For piercing and tearing, we have pointed teeth that is canines.
Every organism has developed a particular habit of eating. Their teeth have changes to suit such habits. Humans eat various kind of foods ranging from small seeds to bigger animals. So, a wide variety of teeth are present in humans.
As a human, we have incisors for cutting, canines for piercing, molar, and premolar for grinding.
If you look at cow’s teeth you will see only incisors, molar, and premolars only. They do not have canines as they are pure herbivores. While in the case of cats and dogs you will see prominent canines as they are mainly carnivores.
Adult humans have 32 teeth in total. But in a child, it may be less as molar develops at later age.
See also: Activity 2.1 Nutrition in Animals.
Ref: NCERT class Science chapter 2.
Activity 2.2 Nutrition in Animals Solution Science Class 7 Chapter 2
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