Tansen Class 6 English Summary, Hindi Summary and solution

Tansen Class 6 English A pact with the Sun


Class 6 Chapter 5 is about the life of the famous court singer “Tansen”. In this chapter, we see the life of Tansen and how he defeated his enemies.

Table of Content:

Summary in English.

Summary in Hindi

Question-answer solution.

Tansen Class 6 English Summary

Tansen took born in the family of musician Mukundan Mishra in Behat, Gwalior.  In his childhood, Tansen was very naughty yet talented. He learnt to mimic the voices of birds and animals.

Tansen class 6 EnglishOnce he frightened the traveling group of Swami Haridas by mimicking the voice of a tiger. Swami Haridas, a famous singer of that time saw his talent and taught him the music.  Soon he became famous and sometimes served to Emperor Akbar as well. Akbar was impressed with his singing and insisted him to join the court.

Other courtiers were jealous of Tansen as the emperor was fond of Tansen. Other courtiers were looking for a way to kill Tansen. They made a plan for this. One of the courtiers “Shaukat Mia” got an idea. “Raga Deepak produces hot atmosphere and burns the singer into ashes. If they can force Tansen to sing, then Tansen will die from the heat”.

Now Shaukat Mia flattered with the emperor and made him agree to sing Raga Deepak by Tansen.

Tansen knew the effects of Raga Deepak. He got an idea, he knew that Raga Megh brings clouds and rain, So, Raga Megh can extinguish the heat during Raga Deepak. He trained own daughter Saraswati and her friend Rupmati in Raga Megh and instructed them to sing this raga during his performance.

During his performance, Raga Deepak made the atmosphere very hot, every courtier started sweating, plants shaded their leaves and birds were like dead. Now Saraswati and Rupvati started singing Raga Megh. Soon clouds came and extinguished the fire. This saved Tansen.

Tansen Class 6 Hindi  Summary

तानसेन ने ग्वालियर के बेहट में संगीतकार मुकुंदन मिश्रा के परिवार में जन्म लिया । अपने बचपन में, तानसेन बहुत शरारती थे फिर भी प्रतिभाशाली थे। उन्होंने पक्षियों और जानवरों की आवाज़ की हूबहू नकल करना सीख लिया था।

 स्वामी  हरिदास से दीक्षा 

एक बार उन्होंने एक बाघ की आवाज की नकल करके स्वामी हरिदास के यात्रा समूह को भयभीत कर दिया।स्वामी हरिदास उस समय के प्रसिद्ध गायक थे.उसने तानसेन की प्रतिभा को देखा और उन्हें संगीत सिखाया। जल्द ही तानसेन प्रसिद्ध हो गए और कभी-कभी सम्राट अकबर के लिए भी सेवा में भी गाया । अकबर उनके गायन से प्रभावित हुए और उनसे दरबार में शामिल होने का आग्रह किया।

अन्य दरबारियों की ईर्ष्या 

अन्य दरबारियों को तानसेन से जलन होती थी क्योंकि सम्राट तानसेन का शौकीन था। अन्य दरबारी तानसेन को मारने का रास्ता ढूंढ रहे थे। उन्होंने इसके लिए एक योजना बनाई। दरबारियों में से एक “शौकत मिया” को एक कुविचार आया । “राग दीपक गर्म वातावरण पैदा करता है और गायक को राख में जला देता है। उसने सोचा यदि तानसेन को गाने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया जाये , तो तानसेन गर्मी से मर जाएगा”।

अब शौकत मिया ने बादशाह के साथ चापलूसी की और उसे तानसेन द्वारा राग दीपक गाने के लिए राजी कर लिया।

तानसेन राग दीपक के प्रभावों को जानते थे। उसे एक विचार आया, वह जानते थे कि राग मेघ बादल और बारिश लाता है, इसलिए, राग मेघ राग दीपक के दौरान उत्पन्न  गर्मी को बुझा सकता है। उन्होंने राग मेघ में अपनी बेटी सरस्वती और उसकी सहेली रूपमती को प्रशिक्षित किया और अपने प्रदर्शन के दौरान उन्हें इस राग को गाने का निर्देश दिया।अब प्रदर्शन का समय आया.

राग दीपक का प्रभाव 

अपने प्रदर्शन के दौरान, राग दीपक ने माहौल को बहुत गर्म कर दिया, हर दरबारी को पसीना आने लगा, पौधों ने अपनी पत्तियों को गिरा  दिया और पक्षी मृतप्राय  हो गए। अब सरस्वती और रूपवती ने राग मेघ गाना शुरू किया। जल्द ही बादलों ने आकर आग को बुझा दिया। इससे तानसेन तो बच गया पर वो काफी बीमार हो गया. बादशाह को अपनी भुल मालूम हुई हुई और वो वो बहुत शर्मिंदा हुए, पर एक बात तो सच थी तानसेन ने सारे ईर्ष्यालु दरबारियों की चाल को विफल कर दिया था.

Tansen Question Answer Solution 

1. Why did Swami Haridas say Tansen was ‘talented’?

Answer: Tansen in childhood was very naughty but talented also. He has learned to mimic the exact voice of birds and animals. One day Swami Haridas, a famous singer, was travelling through the forest. Tansen saw Swami Haridas’s group and tried to tease them. He mimicked the roar of a tiger and made Haridas’s group frightened of the tiger. Haridas found the boy and was impressed with Tansen’s voice. So, he said to Tansen’s father that Tansen is very talented.

2. Why did Akbar ask Tansen to join his court?

Tansen learnt music under the guidance of Swami Haridas and became a famous singer. Sometimes he sang before Emperor Akbar as well. Akbar was impressed with Tansen. So, he insisted Tansen join his court.

3. How do we know that Akbar was fond of Tansen? Give two reasons.

Tansen was the favourite singer of the emperor. Akbar used to ask Tansen to sing at any time. Often the emperor visited Tansen’s house to hear his practice. He gave many presents to Tansen. These behaviours of Akbar show that he was fond of Tansen.

4. What did the other courtiers feel about Tansen?

Tansen was the favourite singer of the emperor Akbar. Akber used to give many presents to Tansen. These happening made other courtiers jealous of Tansen and they were looking for a chance to ruin Tansen.

5. (i) What happens if Raga Deepak is sung properly?
(ii) Why did Tansen’s enemies want him to sing the Raga?

i) As per the chapter if Deepak Raga is sung properly it will produce immense heat and burn the lamp.

ii) Tansen’s contemporary courtiers were jealous of Tansen popularity. They were looking for a chance to kill Tansen. They knew that if Raga Deepak is sung properly, it will make the air so hot that singer will burn into ashes. So, they wanted Tansen to sing the Raga Deepak.

6. Why did Tansen agree to sing Raga Deepak?

Tansen knew that Raga Megh can counter the heat produced by Raga Deepak. So, he became agree to sing Raga Deepak.

7. (i) What steps did he take to save himself?
(ii) Did his plan work? How?

Answer i) He decided to sing Raga Deepak together with Raga Megh. He taught his daughter Saraswati and her friend Rupvati to sing Raga Megh and instructed them to sing this Raga, where there is too heat in the atmosphere.

Next: English Class 6 Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile Summary and solution.

See also: The Old-Clock Shop, Chapter 4 Summary and Solution.

A Pact with the Sun Glossary.


Are you interested in music? Do you like classical music? Name a few distinguished Indian musicians.

Answer: Music is a pleasing and rhythmic sound. Everyone likes the music of his choice. I too like music a lot.

Classical music is based on a specific pattern of music like Raga Bhairvi, Mia-Malhar, Bahar, Kalyan etc. Raga Megh and Deepak are also examples of classical music. Many of the songs in the film industry originated from these ragas. 

Some distinguished Indian Musician are

Shehnai Maestro Ustad Bismillah Khan

Sitar Maestro Pt. Ravi Shankar.

Musician and composer A. R. Rahman.



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