Activity 9.1 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion

Activity 9.1 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion

Activity 9.1 Class 9 Science Chapter 9What activity asks:

Activity 9.1 asks us to strike a pile of carrom coins and see if the rest of the coins also move with a bottom coin or not.


The rest of the coins remain at the same place while the bottom coin moves freely.


A moving body wants to remain in the state of motion while a resting body tends to remain in a steady position only. This physicist call “law of inertia” or Newton’s first law of motion.

When an external force enough to break the inertia comes and applies to the body then only the body changes its state of motion.

Here the striker hits the bottom coin and breaks the inertia of the bottom coin.

The bottom coin applies a frictional for on the rest of the pile of the coins. But this force is not enough to break the inertia of the other coins. As a result, the remaining coins fall back to the bottom of the carrom board.

see also: 

Activity 9.2 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion.

Activity 9.3 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion.


Activity 9.1 Class 9 Science Force and Laws of Motion

Ref: Class 9 Science chapter 9.


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