Activity 8.5 Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Motion

Activity 8.5 Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Motion

activity 8.5 class 9 science motion chapter 8

What activity asks:

Activity 8.5 asks us to look at the chart and see which vehicle (A or B) has uniform speed.


Vehicle A is traveling with uniform motion.


Here we see that every 15 minutes A travels 10 km always. While in the case of B, it is irregular. Sometimes B traves 7 km in the 15 minutes, while in the next 15 minutes it travels 4km.


This activity wants us to know about uniform and non-uniform speed. It wants us to show that if a vehicle travels the same distance in the same unit of time, the vehicle is in uniform motion.


While studying motion we come into the concept of acceleration. An object with uniform motion is with zero acceleration. While an object with non-uniform motion is either accelerating or decelerating.

See also:

Activity 8.6 Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Motion.

Activity 8.4 Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Motion.

***Activity 8.5 Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Motion***



Ref: NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 8.

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