Activity 8.5 Class 10 Science How do Organisms Reproduce

Activity 8.5 NCERT Class 10 Science, How do Organisms Reproduce

Procedure: Activity 8.5 asks us to cut the potato in parts and check if it grows or not.

Observation: Potato parts with at least one bud grows into a plant while potato without any bud does not survive.


Activity 8.5 Class 10 Science How do Organisms Reproduce
Potato with buds or eyes

The tuber part of potato which we use in the kitchen is a modified stem. It reproduces by vegetative propagation. Farmers sow the potato tuber into the soil which grows into a full plant with multiple tubers.

Buds of potatoes are infact the growing stems. If it is left alone, potato sprout and develop into a full plant. So when we cut a potato into parts, Only those parts which contain at least a bud grows.

Inference/Conclusion: We call this mode of reproduction vegetative propagation. Vegetative reproduction is a common method which we use in plants like potato, rose, mango, etc.

Next: Vegetative propagation in money plant, Activity 8.6.

See also: Fragmentation in filamentous alga spirogyra, activity 8.4.

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