Life Processes MCQ’s

Life Processes MCQ Class 10 chapter 6

Autotrophic Nutrition / Photosynthesis MCQ

1. Raw materials used in the autotrophic mode of nutrition is:

  • A. Glucose, Starch, Fructose
  • B. Protein, Fats
  • C. Carbon dioxide, water
  • D. Hydrogen, Oxygen
C. Carbon dioxide, wate

Which foods among these give us energy:

(i) Carbohydrates & fats
(ii) Proteins & mineral salts
(iii) Vitamins & minerals
(iv) Water & roughage

Answer: (i)

Life Processes MCQPhotosynthesis is:

  • A. Trapping energy of sunlight to form glucose.
  • B. Synthesis of photosensitive compounds.
  • C. Oxidation of glucose
  • D. Oxidation of carbon dioxide
A. Trapping energy of sunlight to form glucose.


The green pigment used in photosynthesis is

  • A. Phytochrome
  • B. Chlorophyll
  • C. Hemoglobin
  • D. None
B. Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is mainly located in which part of the plant

  • A. Green leaf
  • B. Bark
  • C. Stem
  • D. Root
A. Green leaf

Chlorophyll has a porphyrin ring with _ _ _ _ _ at the center.

  • A. Iron (Fe)
  • B. Chromium (Cr)
  • C. Magnesium (Mg)
  • D. Carbon (C)
C. Magnesium (Mg)

Chlorophyll pigment is located in which organelle of a cell?

  • A. Mitochondria
  • B. Vacuole
  • C. Plastid
  • D. Chloroplast
D. Chloroplast

Apart from the plant which microorganisms also do photosynthesis:

  • A. Algae and cyanobacteria
  • B. Fungi
  • C. Paramecium
  • D. Amoeba
A. Algae and cyanobacteria

Iodine solution turns a potato into blue-black in color. This indicates that potato contains:

  • A. Fats
  • B. proteins
  • C. Starch
  • D. Glucose
Answer: (iii)

Heterotrophic Nutrition MCQ

Mode of nutrition where an organism derives its food from the body of another living organism without killing it:

  • A. Saprotrophic nutrition
  • B. Parasitic nutrition
  • C. Holozoic nutrition
  • D. Autotrophic nutrition
b. Parasitic nutrition

Heterotrophic nutrition is

  • A. The utilization of energy obtained by the plants.
  • B. Breakdown of Glucose into energy
  • C. Oxidation of Glucose
  • D. All
D. All

Phagocytosis by amoeba is:

  • A. Parasitic nutrition
  • B. Holozoic nutrition
  • C. Autotrophic nutrition
  • D. Saprotrophic nutrition
Answer: B

Digestion of food in amoeba occurs in

  • A. Nucleus
  • B. Cytoplasm
  • C. Food vacuole
  • D. None
C. Food vacuole


Human Digestive System MCQ

Saliva contains an enzyme that degrades starch into simple sugar. The enzyme is:

  • A. Salivary Amylase
  • B. Pepsin
  • C. Trypsin
  • D. None
A. Salivary Amylase

What saliva does?

(i) Breaks down the complex starch into sugars. (ii) Breaks protein into amino acids. (iii) Absorption of vitamins. (iv) Break down of fats into fatty acids & glycerol.


The stomach produces acidic hydrochloric acid. Why

  • A. Starch is broken down into simple glucose by it.
  • B. To neutralize bases present in food.
  • C. Pepsin needs an acidic medium to work upon proteins.
  • D. None
C. Pepsin needs an acidic medium to work upon proteins.

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by

  • A. Pancreas
  • B. Small intestine
  • C. Liver
  • D. Gastric glands of the stomach
D. Gastric glands of the stomach

The difference between pepsin and trypsin is

  • A. They work on different types of proteins
  • B. They are secreted by different parts of the body viz. stomach, Pancrease respectively
  • C. Trypsin do not need an acidic environment unlike pepsin
  • D. All of the above
D. All of the above
The stomach secretes pepsin while it is the pancreas that secrete trypsin. Pepsin remains inactive as pepsinogen in the stomach. The acidic environment of the stomach converts it into the active form that is pepsin.

Bile juice is secreted by

  • A. Stomach
  • B. Saliva
  • C. Liver
  • D. None
C. Liver

The role of bile juice is

  • A. Digestion of fat
  • B. Emulsification of fat
  • C. Digestion of starch
  • D. None
B. Emulsification of fat

An enzyme that degrades fats and oils into simpler fatty acid

  • A. Lipase
  • B. Cellulase
  • C. Amylase
  • D. Trypsin
A. Lipase

Herbivores have a longer small intestines than a carnivore.

  • A. True
  • B. False
A. True

Absorption of most nutritional substances takes place in:

A. Stomach
B. Small intestine
C. Large intestine
D. Oesophagus

Answer:B. Small intestine

The small intestine is coiled to increase the surface area. What benefit does it get from the high surface area?

  • A. Microorganism gets killed due to longer passage.
  • B. Increases the rate of absorption of food
  • C. Both are true
  • D. None
B. Increases rate of absorption of food

Cellulase enzyme in ruminant and termites breaks

  • A. Cellulose
  • B. Starch
  • C. Glucose
  • D. Protein
A. Cellulose

The function of large intestine is mainly

A. Absorption of water
B. Assimilation of food
C. Digestion of fats
D. Digestion of carbohydrates

A. Absorption of water

Respiratory System MCQ

A pair of an organ meant for respiration is…

a. Heart b. Kidney c. Lung d. Stomach.

c. Lung

Trachea/windpipe contains ‘c’ shaped cartilaginous ring. The function of this ring is to…

a. Trap pathogen b. Prevent the collapse of trachea c. Trap Dust and mites d. None

b. Prevent the collapse of trachea

Alveoli are made of … tissue.

a. Connective tissue b. Fibrous tissue c. Muscular d. Epithelial (squamous) tissue.

d. Epithelial (squamous) tissue.

Part of the mouth which prevents the entry of food into the trachea while swallowing is…

a. Epiglottis b. Tongue c. Pharynx d. Larynx.

a. Epiglottis

The voice box is…

a. Epiglottis b. Tongue c. Pharynx d. Larynx.

d. Larynx.

Pharynx opens into the esophagus while larynx opens into …

a. Trachea b. Nasal passage c. Blood Vessels d. None.

a. Trachea

Blood vessels that supply alveoli are…

a. Pulmonary Artery b. Pulmonary vein c. Carotid artery d. Jugular vein.

a. Pulmonary Artery

The functional unit of a lung is…

a. Trachea b. Bronchus c. Bronchiole d. Alveolus.

d. Alveolus


Transportation MCQ

A human heart is situated in a cavity slightly right to the sternum. This cavity or notch is…

a. Pulmonary cavity b. Cardiac notch c. Buccal cavity d. None.

b. Cardiac notch

The human heart has four chambers. Two atria and two ____.

a. Ventricles b. Septum c. Vena cava d. None.

a. Ventricles

The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood while the left atrium receives…

a. Air b. Water c. Oxygenated blood d. Lymphatic fluid.

c. Oxygenated blood

Cardiac tissue is an example of which type of tissue?

a. Muscular b. Nervous c. Glandular d. Connective.

d. Connective

How many times the human heartbeats in a minute?

a. 60 b. 72 c. 120 d. 108.

b. 72

The duration of one complete cycle of heart is…

a. 0.8(60/72)  b. 1.0(60/60) c. 0.6(60/96) d. None.

a. 0.8(60/72)

The strongest chamber of the human heart is…

a. Lt. Atrium b. Lt. Ventricle c. Rt. Atrium d. Rt. ventricle.

b. Lt. Ventricle

The pressure inside a blood vessel in mm of Hg is:

a. 120/80 b. 180/120 c. 80/120 d. 120/90.

a. 120/80

Arteries carry oxygenated blood. The only artery that carries deoxygenated blood is…

a. Carotid artery b. Pulmonary Artery c. Renal artery d. none.

b. Pulmonary Artery


Excretion MCQ

The major excretory organ is…

a. a pair of kidneys b. a pair of lungs c. Spleen d. Liver.

a. a pair of kidneys

The functional unit of a kidney is…

a. Glomerulus b. Nephron c. PCT d. DCT.

b. Nephron

The number of nephrons (in million/10 lakh) in each kidney is…

a. 1 million b. 2-3 Million c. 5 million c. 10 million.

a. 1 million

Do we find glucose in urine normally?

a. Always b. Never c. Only in case renal impairment d. Sometimes depending on intake.

c. Only in case renal impairment

The contraction & expansion movement of the walls of the intestine is called:

(i) translocation (ii) transpiration (iii) peristaltic movement (iv) digestion

Answer: (iii)

Egestion is regulated by

(i) liver (ii) anus (iii) small intestine (iv) anal sphincter

Answer: (iv)


See also: Life Processes Objective Questions.

Life Processes Notes.

For the detailed answer, see explained: Notes and questions on Life Processes.

Life Processes MCQ Miscellaneous questions



  • Fungi have:

    (i) Parasitic nutrition
    (ii) Holozoic nutrition
    (iii) Autotrophic nutrition
    (iv) Saprotrophic nutrition

Answer: (iv)
  • Roots of a plant absorb water from the soil through :

    (i) diffusion
    (ii) transpiration
    (iii) osmosis
    (iv) None of these

(iii) osmosis
  • In plants Respiratory exchange of gases takes place through:

    (i) Lenticels
    (ii) Vacuoles
    (iii) Xylem
    (iv) Stomata

Answer: (iv)
  • water & minerals conducting tissue in the plant is:

    (i) Xylem
    (ii) Phloem
    (iii) Parenchyma
    (iv) Collenchyma

Answer: (i)
  • Food tranporat through phloem tissue is called:

    (i) transpiration
    (ii) translocation
    (iii) respiration
    (iv) evaporation

Answer: (ii)
  • Permeable tissue which transport nutrition and oxygen to nearby cells is:

    (i) artery
    (ii) capillary
    (iii) Vein
    (iv) Haemoglobin

Answer: (ii)
  • Apart from blood there is another fluid which also circulate in our body. The fluid is:

    (i) Platelets
    (ii) RBC
    (iii) Lymph
    (iv) Plasma

Answer: (iii)
  • Single circulation is found in _ _ _ _ _ :

    (i) hyla, Rana, Draco
    (ii) whale, dolphin, turtle
    (iii) labeo, chameleon, salam&er
    (iv) hippocampus, exocoetus, anabas

Answer: (iv)
  • Name the tubethat connects the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

    (i) Urethra
    (ii) Nephron
    (iii) Tubule
    (iv) Ureter

Answer: (iv)
  • In kidneys Selective reabsorption of  glucose, amino acids, minerals & water into the blood takes place in:(i) Tubule
    (ii) Glomerulus
    (iii) Bowman’s capsule
    (iv) Ureter
Answer: (i)
  • Oxygenation of impure blood occurs in:

    (i) Heart
    (ii) Lungs
    (iii) Ureter
    (iv) Kidneys

Answer: (iv)
  • artificial removal of urea from blood is termed:

    (i) osmosis
    (ii) filtration
    (iii) dialysis
    (iv) double circulation

Answer: (iii)
  • Passage of urine occur through:

    (i) Kidney → urinary bladder → urethra → ureter
    (ii) Urinary bladder → ureter → kidney → urethra
    (iii) Kidney → ureter → urethra → urinary bladder
    (iv) Kidney → ureter → urinary bladder → urethra

Answer: (iv)



A gland not related to digestion is

(i) liver
(ii) salivary glands
(iii) pancreas
(iv) adrenal

Answer: (iv)
  • Major place for protein digestion is

    (i) Stomach
    (ii) Small intestine
    (iii) Large intestine
    (iv) None

Answer: (i) Stomach


    • Which of the following part of the Digestive system do not carry digestion:

      (i) ileum
      (ii) stomach
      (iii) mouth
      (iv) esophagus

Answer: (iv)
    • Yeast breaks glucose into:

      (i) alcohol, CO2 & 36 ATP
      (ii) CO2, H20 & 36 ATP
      (iii) alcohol, CO2 & 2ATP
      (iv) lactic acid, CO7 & 2 ATP

Answer: (iv)
    • A large quantity of one is removed from our body by lungs:

      (i) CO2 & H20
      (ii) CO2 only
      (iii) CO only
      (iv) ammonia

Answer: (ii)
    • In respiration, air passes through

      (i) Pharynx → nasal cavity → larynx → trachea bronchi → bronchioles
      (ii) Nasal cavity → pharynx → larynx → trachea → bronchi → bronchioles
      (iii) Larynx → nasal cavity’ → pharynx → trachea
      (iv) Larynx → pharynx trachea → lungs

Answer: (ii)
    • A biochemical molecule of blood that combines with oxygen & helps in its transportation is

      (i) water
      (ii) urea
      (iii) haemoglobin
      (iv) acetylcholine

Answer: (iii)
    • Loss of water in the form of water vapor through stomata is called

      (i) transportation
      (ii) transpiration
      (iii) guttation
      (iv) translocation

Answer: (ii)
    • The closed circulatory system of humans is:

      (i) One-way channel.
      (ii) Double Cyclic channel.
      (iii) Two-way channel.
      (iv) None.

Answer: (ii)
    • Normal blood pressure (systolic/diastolic) is

      (i) 120/80 mm of Hg
      (ii) 160/80 mm of Hg
      (iii) 120/60 mm of Hg
      (iv) 180/80 mm of Hg

Answer: (i)
    • An instrument that measures blood pressure is:

      (i) barometer
      (ii) sphygmomanometer
      (iii) photometer
      (iv) manometer

    • Identify the false statement:

      (i) The right atrium of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the body.
      (ii) The excretion in flatworms occurs through flame cells.
      (iii) A human kidney contains 1 million nephrons.
      (iv) Tracheids are nonliving conducting tissues.

(i) The right atrium of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the body.
    • Liver secretes bile through the bile duct into:
      (i) Stomach
      (ii) Small intestine
      (iii) Large intestine
      (iv) Oesophagus
Answer: (ii)
    • The Air turns lime water milky because lime reacts with _ _ _ _ (gas present in the air)

      (i) oxygen
      (ii) carbon dioxide
      (iii) nitrogen
      (iv) water vapor

Answer: (ii)
    • Structural and functional unit of kidneys is:

      (i) ureter
      (ii) urethra
      (iii) neurons
      (iv) nephrons

Answer: (iv)
    • Oxygen evolved during photosynthesis in a plant cell comes from

      (i) water
      (ii) chlorophyll
      (iii) carbon dioxide
      (iv) glucose

Answer: (i)
    • The opening & closing of the stomatal pore depends upon

      (i) oxygen
      (ii) temperature
      (iii) Turgor pressure in the guard cell.
      (iv) the concentration of CO2 in stomata

Answer: (iii)

Check out other MCQs also:

MCQ Class 10

Life Processes MCQ Class 10 chapter 6


14 thoughts on “Life Processes MCQ’s”

  1. It’s wonderful …. tomorrow my exam of science so I prepare MCQs questions’s very helpful seriously .. thanks a lot

  2. In the first question it is written that kidney is made up of 1 million of nephron and in another question … It is considered a false statement .. why ??

  3. A large quantity of one is removed from our body by lungs:
    Isnt the answer wrong..? I guess its CO2 only.. how will we exhale H2O?

  4. Renal artery
    1. Carrie’s oxygenated blood from heart to kidney
    2. Blood flow with jerk.
    3. Blood flows under pressure.
    4. Valves are absent.
    5. They are deep seated.

    Renal vein
    1. Carrie’s blood from kidneys to heart.
    2. Flows smoothly.
    3. There is little pressure.
    4. Valves are present.
    5. It is superficial

    1. It gives the impure blood to the kidney.
    2. Amount of urea in blood is high in renal artery.

    1. It takes away the pure blood away from the kidney.
    2. Amount of urea in blood is low.
    I know only 2 points also I am not sure about rest 3 points.

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