Activity 14.9 NCERT Class 10 Science, Sources of Energy
Brief procedure:
Activity 14.9 asks us to examine the exhaustion of coal deposits and think if the energy of the sun can also get depleted.

Depletion of Coal reserves
Coal and fossil fuels like petroleum products take millions of years to form. As per Ministry of coal report, 2018, India possess 319 billion tonnes of usable coal deposits; while it consumes 1000 million tonnes a year. At this rate, all the coal, which took 300 million years to form will deplete in merely 300 years.
Depletion of solar energy:
Our solar system and sun came into existence around 4.6 billion years ago. Since then, the sun is providing us with solar energy. As per scientist opinion, the fission reaction in sun will continue for several billion years from now. Ref: Science alert.
Next: Activity 14.10 Science class 10.
See also: Discussion on the effect of energy sources on the environment: Activity 14.8.