Activity 14.1 NCERT Class 10 Science, Sources of Energy

Activity 14.1 NCERT Class 10 Science, Sources of Energy

Brief procedure:

Activity 14.1 asks us to list the forms of energy we use in daily life and discuss them.


Forms of energy we use:

Once we wake up in the morning, we stretch our hands and walk by the foot using muscular energy. The food we prepare uses the chemical energy of the liquified petroleum gas (LPG). During our day to day activity, we use electrical energy to run our fans, geysers, air conditioners, etc. Some of our gadgets like calculator, solar lamp, toys run use the energy of sunlight to charge the batteries.

From where we get these form of energy.

Muscular energy in our body comes from the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates and glucose from the cells.

LPG comes in the cylinder from a gas supplier which they procure during extraction of fossil fuels.

We get electrical energy from various sources. A thermal power plant uses coal to produce electricity; a hydroelectric power plant uses the potential energy of water. Similarly, a solar plant uses the energy of sunlight, etc.

We obtain solar energy by using solar panels attached to the appliances which store solar energy in batteries.

Hydroelectric dam as source of energy
The energy of water in a hydroelectric dam is a source of energy.
Can we call them as a source of energy?

These form of energy like heat energy, electrical energy, muscular energy, an energy of a battery/cell are not the ultimate source of energy. They are an indirect form of energy obtained by conversion from another energy form.

Referring a form of energy to a source of energy depends on the reference level. The environmental perspective is a broad reference. For example, if we consider the reference to our house we can easily say that the source of energy for cooking is LPG. But we all know that we need other forms of energies as well.  A Source of energy needs to be abundant in nature and freely available, eg. Solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, fossil energy, etc.

Next: Criteria for good fuel for daily usage in homes and other places. Activity 14.2.

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