Activity 2.3 NCERT Class 10 Science, Acids, Bases and Salts

Activity 2.3 NCERT Class 10 Science, Chapter 2 Acids, Bases, and Salts.

Activity 2.2 Class 10 science zinc granule reaction with acid
Zinc granule reaction with acid

Brief procedure: Activity 2.3 asks us to react zinc granules with various acids and observe the flammability of gas formed.


We see bubbles coming out vigorously with strong acids. This gas burn when we bring the candle to it.

Zinc also react with weak acids like acetic acid, but here gas formation is slow.


Zinc reacts with acids and forms its salt and hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas liberates as the bubble. When we bring the flame to this gas, it burns as hydrogen is highly flammable.

For example

Zn + H2SO4 ———> ZnSO4 + H2

Weak acid does not dissociate quickly in water. So its reaction with zinc is slower as compared to strong acids like Hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid.

Next: Reaction of zinc with bases. Activity 2.4.

See also:

Change in smell and colour of onion and vanilla with acid and bases. Activity 2.2.

Other activities from NCERT class 10 science Chapter 2.

Reference: NCERT textbook for class 10 Science.

21 thoughts on “Activity 2.3 NCERT Class 10 Science, Acids, Bases and Salts”

  1. On passing hydrogen gas through soap solution it does not get dissolved in it, and the solution easily form bubbles containing hydrogen gas.

  2. Bubbles are NOT formed in soap solution. It is formed when Zinc reacts with HCl. When Zinc reacts with the acid, it release Hydrogen gas as bubbles. It is then passed to soap solution.
    Zn + H2SO4 —-> ZnSO4 (salt) + H2

  3. you haven’t given the answer of why bubble formed after passing the evolved gas through soap solution, but overall it was helpful.

  4. Actually in the activity the gas that is formed is passed through soap solution in a dish with help of a tube. The gas which which comes through the soap solution will naturally create bubbles which is then shown to a burning candle. Then the bubble bursts with a pop sound which indicates the presence of hydrogen gas.

  5. When hydrogen gas is allowed to pass through the soap solution then it will cause a agitation of formation of bubbles

  6. Bubbles are formed in the soap solution because hydrogen gas tries to escape from the solution as it doesn’t dissolve in the solution so when it reaches the surface bubbles are formed

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