Activity 1.7 Ncert Science class 10

Activity 1.7 Ncert Science class 10

activity 1.7 chemical reactions

Procedure: The activity asks to electrolyse water using a 6-volt battery and check the volume of gases liberated at anode and cathode. The activity also asks to bring the gas at the flame and see what happens.


  1. Gas collected at the cathode (-) is twice that of gas collected at the anode (+).

2. When we bring the flame to the gas collected at the cathode, it burns immediately. While gas obtained at anode does not burn.

Inference: Electricity decomposes water into its component. Hydrogen atoms in water receive an electron from the cathode electrode and form hydrogen gas. Similarly, oxygen atoms in water lose electrons at the anode and form oxygen gas.


We can explain this with the equation below.

2H2O  ——>  2H2 + O2

Here you can see two molecules of hydrogen gas liberate with one molecule of oxygen. So the volume of hydrogen obtained is double the amount of oxygen.

Note: water is not highly conductive. We use a few drops of sulphuric acid here. It is done to increase the electrical conductivity of water. Instead of sulphuric acid, any other acid like hydrochloric acid or salt like sodium chloride can also work.






Next: Decomposition of silver chloride in sunlight. Activity 1.8.

Read also:

Decomposition of lead nitrate on heating. Activity 1.6.

Solved questions and activities of chapter 1 Chemical reactions and equations.

Ref: NCERT Class 10 Science Chapter 1.

Activity 1.7 Ncert Science class 10

13 thoughts on “Activity 1.7 Ncert Science class 10”

  1. you have explained me it just damn awsum wow very nice thank you for such a lovely answer

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