The Shepherd’s Treasure MCQ/Objective Questions Chapter 3 A Pact With The Sun
Where did the shepherd live in Iran?
- a. Village
- b. Bagdad
- c. King’s Palace
- d. District
How wealthy was the shepherd
- a. Very rich
- b. Rich
- c. Poor
- d. Very poor
Why did not he attend any school?
- a. He was very poor
- b. Very few schools were there in those days
- c. King closed all the schools
- d. School had no teachers
Why did people use to come to the shepherd?
- a. Shepherd was a renowned singer
- b. Shepherd treats their diseases
- c. Shepherd gave the advice to solve their problems
- d. The shepherd played piano well
The shepherd was famous for his:
- a. Wisdom
- b. Friendliness
- c. Singing
- d. a and b
The king cane to meet the shepherd in the disguise of?
- a. A shepherd
- b. A minister
- c. A carpenter
- d. A prince

Why did the King came to the Shepherd?
- a. To kill
- b. To test
- c. To award
- d. To get advice
How the shepherd treated the king in the disguise of a shepherd?
- a. He scolded
- b. He welcomed the King and gave his food and water
- c. He killed the King
- d. He laughed at the king
How was the King after the hospitality of the Shepherd?
- a. Happy
- b. Sad
- c. Neutral
- d. Monotonus
The Shepherd said something when the King decided to leave the cave.
- a. Bye-bye King, have a nice day
- b. Visit again sir, please come back
- c. Thank you, your majesty for visiting here
- d. Have a nice day
Why king was atonished after meeting the shepherd?
- a. Shepherd treated the King well
- b. Shepherd was clever
- c. Shepherd knew the guest is The King
- d. Shepherd was too humble
The King offered which post to the shepherd?
- a. District majistrate
- b. Cabinet minster
- c. Governor of the district
- d. Owner of the district
Why the governors of other provinces were jeoulous of the shepherd?
- a. The shepherd was very humble
- b. The shepherd was very clever
- c. The shepherd became very famous due to his humbleness and wisdom
- d. The King apoointed the Shepherd as new King
What did the shepherd always carry with him?
- a. A marble idol
- b. An iron chest
- c. A camel
- d. A water pot
What was the accusation laid by other goverors on the shepherd?
- a. The shepherd keep the tax collected from the district
- b. The shepherd eats a lot
- c. The shepherd is cruel
- d. The shepherd do not sleep
WIth what thought The King summoned the Shepherd to the court?
- a. The shepherd must have stole the tax
- b. What did the shepherd keep in the chest
- c. The chest must have some precios jewels
- d. Is there anu jinn in the chest?
What was in the chest?
- a. A iron axe
- b. Gold and precious stones
- c. An old blanket
- d. A sword
Why did the shepherd carry such old blanket always?
- a. The blanket was gifted by his mother
- b. It was the first cloth purchased by him
- c. He knew anytime he can be dmoted from the governor post
- d. None
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See also:
- The Shepherd’s Treasure Question Answer Solution
- The Shepherd’s Treasure Hindi Summary, Moral and Objective
Other MCQs from A Pact With The Sun
The Shepherd’s Treasure MCQ/Objective Questions Chapter 3 A Pact With The Sun
Ref: Chapter 3.