Body Movements Summary/Revision Notes

Body Movements Summary/Revision Notes

Importance of body movement

During everyday-life, we move our body as per the need. We go to our school by walk.

Our body moves even when we are not moving, for example, to eat we move our hands.

How movement occur?

Our body consists of hard materials called bone. Movement of bones gives our body movement.

Does every boney of our body moves?

Not every one of our body move. For example bones in our head does not move; it protects our head from injuries.

Bones have joints. Joint allows movement of a bone. On the basis of the type of joint, we group joints into the following group.

  1. Ball and socket joint: Shoulder and hip joints are its examples. This joint allow free movement of bone.
  2. Hinge joint: Our wrist and knee joints are hinge joint. They allow movements only in one direction like our doors in the home.
  3. Pivot joint: Joint between our neck and the head is a pivot joint. This joint allows movement in a circular direction.
  4. Immovable joints: Some joints like in our brain does not move. They are called immovable joints.

How do bones move?

Muscle cells surround bones. They contract and relax. This contraction and relaxation bring the movement of bone.

What are the functions of our bones apart from movement?


Gives shape to our body: Bones are hard to structure. They form the shape of our body. Imagine the body of an organism without the bone.

Protection: Head bones and chest bones protect our important organs from external injury.

Other function: Some bones are soft. We call them cartilage. Bones in our ears are made of cartilage bones. They help in hearing.

Next: Body Movements Exercise Question Answer

Body Movements Activity Answers

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Getting to Know Plants Exercise answer

The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitat Question answer.

The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitat Activity answer.

The Living Organisms Characteristics and Habitat notes.


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