Activity 7.4 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms

Activity 7.4 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms Chapter 7

activity 7.4 class 9 scienceFive common animals and plants

Animals: Cat, Dog, Horse, Hen, Cow, duck, cuckoo, crow, pigeon, etc.

Plants: Eggplant, Money-plant, Bitterguard, orange, apple, grape, etc.

Scientific names of common animals:

Cat: Felis catus,

Dog: Canis familiaris,

Horse: Equus caballus,

Hen: Gallus  domesticus,

Cow: Bos taurus,

Duck: Anas platyrhynchos,

Cuckoo: Cacomantis flabelliformis,

Crow: Corvus brachyrhynchos,

Pigeon: Columba domestica.

Scientific names of common plants:

Eggplant: Solanum melongena, Money-plant: Epipremnum aureum, Bitterguard: Momordica charantia Linn, Orange: Citrus X sinensis, Apple: Malus domestica, Grape: Vitis vinifera

Do these names have anything in common with the names you normally use to identify them?

Yes sometimes the common name and the scientific names, both are similar. For example species of cat is cats, and for the crow is Corvus. The scientific and common name is developed form each other. The scientific name was suggested by Carolus Linnaeus to avoid any confusion during the study of the organisms. It consists of two words that indicate a genus and the species. Most of the words have been taken from Latin or Greek. Latin and Greek is a dead language and its word does not change from time to time. This prevents ambiguity. These words suggest the nature of the organism, which often is their common name.

See also:

Activity 7.3 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms.

Activity 7.2 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms.

***Activity 7.4 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms***

Ref: NCERT book Science Class 9 Chapter 7. 

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