Activity 7.1 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms

Activity 7.1 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms

activity 7.1 class 9 scienceWhat activity asks?

Activity 7.1 asks us to differentiate between a desi cow and a Jersey cow


  • No, a desi cow does not look like a Jersey cow.
  • No, not all desi cows look alike.
  • Yes, we can identify a Jersey cow in a crowd of desi cows.
  • The basis of classification here is properties so of a cow.


Whenever we see things we correlate them on the basis of similarities and differences. When the differences are less we see minute differences and when the difference is more we see broad things. Broad things make fundamental classification while minute differences are later divided into subcategories. For example. we can compare a whale and an elephant on the basis of habitat. An elephant is terrestrial while a whale is aquatic. In the case of two terrestrial animals, the basis of classification deepens. For example, A cat and dog both are terrestrial but they are different due to their appearance, food habit, size, habit, sound, etc.

Similarly, when we compare two different types of cows, the differences also become minute like horn, color, milk capacity, size.

When difference becomes large we can easily distinguish them from each other. Desi cow and a Jersey cow are quite different in appearance, size, presence of horn, and minute difference like milk capacity.

See Also:

Activity 7.2 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms.

Activity 7.3 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms.

Activity 7.4 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms.

Why do we classify organisms?

***Activity 7.1 class 9 Science Diversity in Living Organisms***

Ref: NCERT book Science Class 9 Chapter 7. 

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