A Pact With The Sun MCQ/Objective Questions Chapter 8 A Pact With The Sun
What Sayeeda’s mother was not ailing from?
- a. Fever and cough
- b. Joint Pain
- c. Body-ache
- d. Cold
How was the room of Sayeeda’s mother?
- a. Well ventilated with sunshine
- b. Gloomy and deprived of sunshine
- c. Open windowed
- d. Large room
Why was Sayeeda’s mother not on normal food?
- a. She was sick
- b. There was no normal food in the home
- c. Sayeeda’s mother did not like the normal food
- d. None

What her relative advised on deteriorating health conditions?
- a. Open the window
- b. Go into the sunshine
- c. Consult a specialist
- d. Eat normal food
How did the Sayeeda’s mother pay the fee of the specialist?
- a. She opened the secret chest
- b. She sold her cow
- c. She sold her trinket jewellery
- d. She took some debt from the relatives
What did the specialist say about the food?
- a. Eat only fruit
- b. Drink milk only
- c. Anything you wish to eat
- d. Take chapatis with vegetables
How was the medicine prescribe by the specialist?
- a. Cheap
- b. Costly
- c. Effective
- d. Costly yet effective
What did the specialist say about the room?
- a. This room is good
- b. Leave this dark hovel an doccupy a big room
- c. Put a TV in the room
- d. Close all the windows
Why did the specialist recommend the big room with open gates and windows?
- a. It is good for health
- b. Open windows allows bird to sit and sing
- c. It is bad for health
- d. None
What did the relatives say about sitting in the sunshine?
- a. Sunshine and air is bad for chronic cough
- b. Sunshine and air are good for chronic cough
- c. Sunshine helps fight the disease
- d. None
What did Sayeeda’s mother decide to do?
- a. Follow the specialist
- b. Follow the relative’s opinion
- c. Neither specialist nor the relative’s opinion.
- d. None
Why Sayeeda’s mother was dejected?
- a. He relatives did not bring the prescribed medicine
- b. His room was not open
- c. The sun did not show up the whole day
- d. Sayeeda was not happy
What did the Sayeed say to the last ray?
- a. Please come fast
- b. Please do not go away
- c. Do come tomorrow with lots of warmth and brightness
- d. Why are you so dull today
Why did the sun decide to day-off?
- a. He decided not to hear the plea of the rays
- b. Rays decided to day-off
- c. Clouds had blocked the road to the Earth
- d. Father of the Sun requested the Sun to day-off
Who first stand against the will of the sun?
- a. All the rays
- b. The ray who had promise with Sayeeda
- c. Sayeeda
- d. Clouds
Did the rays was abe to come to earth?
- a. Yes
- b. No, clouds did not let them pass
- c. Yes, but they did not come to Sayeed’s home
- d. None
How did the Sayeeda mother feel after sitting in the sunshine?
- a. Better
- b. Worst
- c. Bad
- d. No effect
Did she recoved from the disease after sitting in the sunshine?
- a. Yes
- b. No
- c. Partially
- d. None
What this story teaches us?
- a. Do not live in a gloomy room
- b. take sunshine every morning
- c. Walk every day
- d. a and b both
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A Pact With The Sun MCQ/Objective Questions Chapter 8 A Pact With The Sun
Ref: Chapter 8.